Save your responses in a WORD doc, run it through spell check, 250-350 words approximately. Focus on YOUR thoughts and ideas that came to mind when you were reading, the possibilities are endless! Plus, be sure to always end your messages with your first name and last initial.

What is everyone writing about?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Demonic Males

The article that i really enjoyed was Demonic Males. Besides the fact that it was full of interesting information a lot of it was open to interpretation. I think that the author obviously had many valid points but she seemed a little reluctant, to when women were portrayed in a dominant way, to accept that. I think women kind of live in a double standard. In one way they want to be treated equally as men but on the other hand they do not want to go to war and they want the fairy tale relationship where a man is dominant and provides for the female. Im not saying this is how it is for everyone, their are plenty of women brave enough to go to war and their are women who are the dominant ones in a relationship. I just thing we should stop being so hypocritical. I think no matter what happens men and women are always going to be viewed differently and that is neither a positive or a negative, its just the way it is. I would hardly say men are Demonic, at least not all of them. 

Muriel Smith 

Are we born moral?

In the class discussion, there was a lot of controversy whether species are born with morality instilled in them or if it is something they acquire over their years from personal experience. Another discussion which I was a main part of was, can instincts be separate from morals, when the story of the gorilla came up. I don't believe that people were understading what I was saying. What I was trying to say was that there are instances where people can react based on just an instinctual standpoint without it being based on their sense of morality. People can act on instinct without a concern of morality. What they were trying to say is that all of our actions (instincts) are based on a moral calculator or that what we do is based on our morals. For example, an alcoholic may start to drink when they are depressed, that does not make it right, even by their own stand point necessarily. There are many things that humans do without morality in mind, but instinct. How many people break traffic laws when they know someone isn't looking, to get to where they need to be faster? A lot of people. The thing about morals is that they are corrupt. It is true that most people only abide by what is right or wrong if other people are there to see.