I know I'm not supposed to talk about the video, but I am, because that's what I found the most interesting. I found the video very interesting because there was many things I had no idea about and would have never thought possible. When I first heard what they were talking about, "Phantom limbs, alien parents, but they're not crazy," I was totally like, they're crazy. But while watching they explained what was wrong, but I still didn't really understand until the example of the brain. My most successful learning methods, are literal visual examples, I do not learn from metaphors. It was extremely interesting how the brain could do things like that. I assumed that if there was a problem or connection in the brain it was just done, but this video just brightened my eyes to new possibilities.
So about the readings, those I did not find as interesting. Mostly, they're were uninteresting because I didn't understand it very easily. It was difficult for me to read, when they were talking about the different evolution and scientific findings of alleles and things. The example of the dark/light moth, and the "keep it in the family" example was fascinating to me. Because I realize that animals just naturally came up with this method of passing on their golden genes by keeping their family around to carry it out in some way. I learned many things from these articles and their were many that I already knew. I knew about the alleles and evolution and history of evolution through biology and health classes. It was a great brush up on the subject though.

Save your responses in a WORD doc, run it through spell check, 250-350 words approximately. Focus on YOUR thoughts and ideas that came to mind when you were reading, the possibilities are endless! Plus, be sure to always end your messages with your first name and last initial.
What is everyone writing about?
Are We Born Moral
Demonic Males
dog's umvelt
Elephant Crackup
Grr Sniff Arf
Inside of a Dog
Le Guin
Professor Roger's Trial
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I'm confused. It was confusing because it was about alleles and other scientific issues, but then it was a brush-up on things you already knew? Ask some specific questions if there are things that are not clear.