All four years of high school, and the two years I spent in middle school appeared to be a situation that I and numerous other students did not take seriously. Why were teachers giving me the answers to the tests? Was memorization the key to learning new information? Education is what you choose to make of it. According to John Taylor Gatto, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln all did not go to a public school to receive their education. These particular individuals were dedicated to make something of themselves and were going to reach their highest potential without anyone standing in their way. The quote the class was discussing stood out the most to me, “if you are bored, you are boring.” You choose your own method of education and if you want to learn, you will strive to reach your potential at its highest rate.
I believe that if you want to learn, then you will strive to reach the education you desire. Teachers cannot force you to participate in school activities, complete your homework in time, or come to class to receive your education. In high school, parents forced their kids to go to school and “do their work.” Not all students did this and would rather socialize with friends, not take things seriously and possibly not even show up to school. Laziness was an aspect I personally experienced growing up through public schools. When I wasn’t paying for school, I felt like my effort did not have to necessarily be at its highest. Education is the key aspect that builds you and creates who you are, if you choose to be bored and not participate, you will turn out being less than what you were capable of becoming.
Noelle M.

Save your responses in a WORD doc, run it through spell check, 250-350 words approximately. Focus on YOUR thoughts and ideas that came to mind when you were reading, the possibilities are endless! Plus, be sure to always end your messages with your first name and last initial.
What is everyone writing about?
Are We Born Moral
Demonic Males
dog's umvelt
Elephant Crackup
Grr Sniff Arf
Inside of a Dog
Le Guin
Professor Roger's Trial
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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What does it mean that Lincoln and company did not attend public schools? If we take an average education level (you choose the criteria)of all those in Lincoln's cohort (age group) who never attended schools... do you think they will show up on Mr Gatto's list? Nobody says you can't be a brilliant individual (given the right incentives motivation, and opportunities)w/o public schools, but will the population as a whole benefit?