Save your responses in a WORD doc, run it through spell check, 250-350 words approximately. Focus on YOUR thoughts and ideas that came to mind when you were reading, the possibilities are endless! Plus, be sure to always end your messages with your first name and last initial.
What is everyone writing about?
Are We Born Moral
Demonic Males
dog's umvelt
Elephant Crackup
Grr Sniff Arf
Inside of a Dog
Le Guin
Professor Roger's Trial
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Reading Response: Nature Via Nurture
This article covered a topic that I am very familiar with, the idea of nature vs. nurture, but the title alone made me think of a new way of thinking: not vs. but via. Many anthropologists have toyed with the idea that perhaps our cultures are not separate from our true nature, that when we go against our culture we are actually going against our nature instead of with it. This idea appeals to me because we have too many social constructs that prevent the idea of us being bestial without cultures to shape us, as even animals have culture. The famous addage "raised by wolves" no longer means that they have no culture, simply a different one if we adopt the idea that human nature requires cultural nurture. Our moral structures and systems of belief aren't necssarily unique to humans, just different from an animal culture. Wolves, for example, have a distinct and elaborate social order where there are those who are in positions of higher command, but all among the group nare important to the pack's survival. As for their beliefs, we cannot speak to them to answer that question, so it will have to remain unanswered.
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