Save your responses in a WORD doc, run it through spell check, 250-350 words approximately. Focus on YOUR thoughts and ideas that came to mind when you were reading, the possibilities are endless! Plus, be sure to always end your messages with your first name and last initial.
What is everyone writing about?
Are We Born Moral
Demonic Males
dog's umvelt
Elephant Crackup
Grr Sniff Arf
Inside of a Dog
Le Guin
Professor Roger's Trial
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Gatto, Colombo, and Paulo Freire
While reading the essays I'd have to say the one I enjoyed and agreed with the most was John Gatto, he was very relate able and all of his points, from my experience, were spot on. He explains that both the teachers and the students are at fault, he mentions that both the "students and teachers as virtual factories of childishness". To me this statement is very significant, the children are bored and the teachers typically aren't interested in what they are talking about and as a result the children don't learn and the the teacher gets frustrated, which is childish and makes it a bad learning experience. Being bored in school or with life breeds laziness which effects how well the student will do when he "gets out in the real world" as they say. He also touches on the fact that teachers hands are tied, the school board and other forces make it hard for them to teach in a style more engaging for the teacher and the student. Paulo Freire's essay was very strong and analytical, almost as if he was speaking about his topic from a distance and in metaphors. One of his comments I liked was the students "tend simply to adapt to the world as it is and to the fragmented view of reality deposited in them". I strongly agree with this, in school you are separated from the world and how it works; it's like the military, the military is a way of life and then there is the civilian life. Students are not exposed to the hurdles of life, they are not even prepared for it; what a company wants, how to apply for a job, etc..All in all I think that Colombo, Gatto, and Freire all made very good points but I think Gatto's was the most agreeable for me.
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Oct 08
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- Gatto/Freire Reading Response
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- Gatto
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- Gatto, Colombo, and Paulo Freire
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Oct 08
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