Reading Response: Colombo, Freire, and Gatto Down With the Public Education
It's very apparent when reading the articles by Colombo, Freire, and Gatto that they share a very strong opinion on the public education system in America. Colombo, Freire, and Gatto see the public education system as this tyrant that wants to take over the creative individual, abolish all critical thinking from the youth, and create the perfect consumer for America. In many ways I agree with what Colombo, Freire, and Gatto have to say about the public education system, it's taking away the passion and inspiration that is supposed to go with learning, but going as far as to say that the public education system is like “banking” and that our minds are nothing but capsules that are being filled with pointless information that all “average” and “general” people that need to be ruled by society should know seems extreme. We might be forced by law to stay in school for a certain amount of time and be forced to take certain classes in that time period, but many people continue on in that same heartless public education system and take something great away from it. If it wasn't for the public education system we would all be left to find a way to pay for expensive private schooling or be taught by our parents, and in no disrespect, but the times and exceptions of education are changing and many parents nowadays can't keep up with the rigorous learning that we are now entailed to have, just as a basic knowledge. So yes, maybe public education takes things away, but if the student really wants to know and learn they will take it upon themselves to make it happen and learn much more from it then just having it shoved in their “capsule” by some teacher.

Save your responses in a WORD doc, run it through spell check, 250-350 words approximately. Focus on YOUR thoughts and ideas that came to mind when you were reading, the possibilities are endless! Plus, be sure to always end your messages with your first name and last initial.
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